Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"Even the weeds are pretty!"

The title is courtesy of Tori.  :)
Yesterday after class we visited an orphanage where the children are raised in a family setting.  They are placed with a mother and siblings and also participate in the larger community life of the orphanage.  The orphanage will continue to support them until they get married or become independent because they have a job.  It was an interesting way of running an orphanage that is so different from the way we normally think about orphaned kids.  On the way back from the orphanage, some guy on a motorcycle definitely tried to pick me up.  I said no.  (Don't worry mom, I wasn't in any real danger...there were other people around).  In the afternoon Caitlin, Brooks, Serena, and I tramped around campus.

We wanted to see the MCC farm, but it was closed, so instead we went exploring around the campus.  There was a lot of nature happening.  And a lot of bugs who decided I would be a tasty afternoon snack.  Which is unfortunate for me.

Today we went clothes shopping in the afternoon and stopped for some more soft drinks from the store on the way back.  Then Luke and I dragged a group of people through the chemistry building because we really wanted to see the labs.  Luckily we ran into the chemistry lab store room guy and he showed us around to everything.  We saw an organic/inorganic lab, a physical chemistry lab, and the chemical room.  It was pretty cool.  I miss chemistry a whole lot, so it was nice to see something familiar.    

1 comment:

  1. hahah "familiar" is a relative term, after seeing how they store their chemicals
